October 28 – 29, 2024 – SCIT Opioid Summit
BIA and SCIT Opioid SummitOctober 28 - 29, 2024SAVE THE DATEDownload Flyer Here
BIA and SCIT Opioid SummitOctober 28 - 29, 2024SAVE THE DATEDownload Flyer Here
Curious Caregivers Series: How Do I Talk to My Child About DiabetesOctober 30, 20245:30 - 7 pmVia Zoom:heather.kozar@nhbp-nsn.gov269-261-5961Download Flyer Here
Curious Caregivers Series: How Do I Talk to My Child About DiabetesNovember 6, 20245:30 - 7 pmVia Zoom:heather.kozar@nhbp-nsn.gov269-261-5961Download Flyer Here
32nd Annual Parenting Awareness Michigan ConferenceNovember 8, 2024James B. Henry Center for Executive Development3435 Forest RoadLansing, MI 48910Who Should Attend:Individuals who work with parents and families, educators, service providers, school personnel, parent networks, coalition members, parent leaders, volunteers, and anyone interested in parenting.What to Expect:Provides attendees with learning opportunities about relevant issues, programs, and resources … Continued
Fostering Resilience: Developing Skills for Working with Individuals & Families Experiencing Trauma & AdversityNovember 12, 20249 am - 3:30 pmNorthern Michigan UniversityBallroom III & IV, Northern Center1401 Presque Isle AveMarquette, MI 49855Contact:info@uphcs.orgDownload Flyer Here
Curious Caregivers Series: How Do I Talk to My Child About DiabetesNovember 13, 20245:30 - 7 pmVia Zoom:heather.kozar@nhbp-nsn.gov269-261-5961Download Flyer Here
Certified Energy Therapy Training, Module 3November 15 - 17, 2024Register:www.healinginamerica-midwest.com/michiganclassesFor more information: laurie@healinginamerica-midwest.comDownload Flier
Heritage Celebration Cultural MixerNovember 16, 20245 - 9 pmPlatinum CreationsRiver View Plaza264 W. Genesse Ave.Saginaw, MI 48602Contacts:Carole: 989-423-5207Dani: 989-413-0258Transportation:Polanda (text only): 989-708-5534Download Flyer Here
Native Family Engagement EventsNovember 17, 20242 - 3 pmQuestions or more information:Jessica Saucedosauced23@msu.edu760-669-6698Download Flyer Here
Curious CaregiversNovember 19, 2024NoonVia Microsoft TeamsLearn More and Register:heather.kozar@nhbp-nsn.govDownload Flyer Here
The Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan with the Indian Health Service Clinical Support Center (Accredited Provider) present a webinar. Smokefree Laws on Tribal Lands Title: Smokefree Laws on Tribal LandsDate: Wednesday, December 4, 2024Time: 3 - 4 p.m., EDTREGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/4717320251783/WN_QJyFUey0RLSh1ndrCkxw4Q Presenter: Clinton IshamTribal Relations ConsultantAmerican Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation Learning Objectives/Outcomes:At the conclusion of this activity, the healthcare team … Continued
Native Family Engagement EventsDecember 15, 20242 - 3 pmQuestions or more information:Jessica Saucedosauced23@msu.edu760-669-6698Download Flyer Here