Maternal & Childhood Programs Archives - ITCMI

Site Reporting

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Quarterly Report Links

January – March Healthy Start/Family Spirit Quarterly Report (NOTE: Due April 30) 

April to June Healthy Start/Family Spirit Quarterly Report (NOTE: Due July 30) 

July – Sept  Healthy Start/Family Spirit Quarterly Report (NOTE: Due October 30,) 

 OCT to DEC Healthy Start/Family Spirit Quarterly Report (NOTE: Due January 30,) 

Reflective Supervision Links

History of Childhood is Sacred

Since 2012, ITCMI has been working with Tribes and Tribal Citizens across Michigan to erase the silos across services and programs that serve children 0-8 and their families. From community discussions to strategy innovation and implementation, everyone involved has been working to elevate the role of our early childhood providers, support parents and be more effective and efficient with existing resources in each community.

Healthy Start/Home Visiting

Learn more about Healthy Start and the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan’s Home Visiting Network.

Head Start/Early Head Start

Head Start is a federal program that promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to 5 from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social and emotional development.

Honoring Our Children

The WKKellogg Foundation committed funds to identify Tribal priorities for children 0-8 in Education, Health, and Community Safety. This work included community discussions and family summits with tribal citizens from the 12 Federally Recognized Tribes in Michigan and in urban areas like Detroit and Grand Rapids. During this time, tribal families and leaders created a vision for children.

Notable briefs and presentations from this work includes: 

  • Michigan Native Children Report
  • 2012 (Final 2012 by David Cournoyer) -forwarded in the email.
  • HOC Planning Phase Report on website already
  • TBCAC Cultural Adaptation Article on website already
  • MCMCH GreatStart Sandbox presentation on website already
  • HeadStart digital story link

Tribal Early Learning Initiative (TELI)

Through supplemental Tribal Home Visiting funding from the Administration of Children & Families, a core group of early childhood providers and families from five Tribes (BMIC, KBIC, LTBB, LVD, NHBP) continued the work of HOC by strategizing to increase collaboration and integration across community services and programs for children 0-5 years. 

Historically, many of the various early childhood programs and services have worked in isolation. This effort focused on developing a more collaborative network. During this time, a Tribal wide Young Child Wellness Committee was formed with representatives from Tribal Home Visiting, HeadStart/Early HeadStart, and Child Care both at the Tribal, State and Federal level.


The TELI project identified a gap in mental health supports for children and in 2016 LAUNCH was funded by SAMHSA to better serve the cultural, social, emotional, physical, and psychological needs of youth ages 0-8. Aiming to reduce leadership and policymaking silos, the project seeks to foster collaboration between health care, behavioral health, early childhood education, social services, and other programs servicing Native youth and their families.

The Project Has 4 Goals

  1. Strengthen Tribal Communities through the promotion of resources grounded in community language, culture and teachings.
  2. Increase community workforce capacity to address child and family mental health.
  3. Strengthen systems integration of community programs that support child and family mental health.
  4. Increase community efforts to engage in public education and awareness activities.

Traditional Teachings Resources

The focus of these resources is geared towards expecting families, newborns, and early childhood. 


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Perinatal & Mental Health


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Home Visitor Resources

State Home Visiting Expansion

Michigan Early Childhood Home Visiting Tribal Expansion

The Michigan Early Childhood Home Visiting Tribal Expansion program’s purpose is to support the provision of evidence-based home visiting services within tribal communities in Michigan, and thereby expanding the reach of Tribal home visiting within the state.  This program is funded through a grant supported by the State of Michigan’s general funds and seeks to address persistent disparities in maternal, infant, and early childhood health and social indicators among the American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) population through delivery of home visiting services.  The project aims to expand the capacity of an existing network of services, furthering progress toward a comprehensive, high-quality early childhood system.

State Home Visiting Expansion services are supported within the following tribal communities and serve expectant families with young children aged birth to 5 years old.

Participating Tribes

  • Little River Band of Odawa Indians
  • Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
  • Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians

Program Goals

The goals of the State Home Visiting Expansion Program include:

  • Supporting the development of happy, healthy, and successful American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Children and families through a coordinated home visiting strategy that addresses critical maternal and child health, development, early learning, family support, and child abuse and neglect prevention needs.
  • Implementing high-quality, culturally-relevant, evidence-based home visiting programs in AI/AN communities.
  • Expanding the evidence base around home visiting interventions with Native populations.
  • Supporting and strengthening cooperation and coordination and promoting linkages among various early childhood programs, resulting in coordinated, comprehensive early childhood systems.


Home Visiting Video Announcement

Home Visiting Radio Announcement

Coordinated Services

Collaboration is important to our programs at Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan.  Within the Maternal & Early Childhood Services Department this can be seen specifically between our Tribal Home Visiting, Healthy Start, and State Funded Home Visiting Programs.  These programs have joined forces as individual pieces of an overall, inter-tribal network of home visiting programs and services coordinated by the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan in partnership with Michigan tribes.  The programs to the communities appear as one, and are often referred to by staff as the “Healthy Start-Family Spirit” Home Visiting program.  The development of the Healthy Start-Family Spirit Home Visiting program is one key aspect of our comprehensive, coordinated early childhood system with all programs using the Family Spirit Model as a basis for providing home visitation services.  In addition, the programs share client-friendly referral procedures, using common assessments, collection of common data elements, cross-training of staff, and cross-program case management.  This allows for a seamless transition between programs for home visiting clients.

Contact Information

Tribal Home Visiting

Tribal, Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (TMIECHV)

The Maajtaag Mnobmaadzid Tribal Home Visiting Initiative seeks to address persistent disparities in maternal, infant, and early childhood health and social indicators among the American Indian (AI/AN) population through delivery of home visiting services.  The project aims to expand the capacity of an existing network of services, furthering progress toward a comprehensive, high-quality early childhood system.

Tribal Home Visiting services are supported within the following tribal communities and serve expectant families and families with young children aged birth to kindergarten entry.

Participating Tribes and Organizations

  • American Indian Health and Family Services
  • Bay Mills Indian Community
  • Lac Vieux Desert Band of Chippewa Indian Community
  • Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians
  • Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
  • Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi
  • Pokagon Band of Potawatomi
  • Saginaw-Chippewa Indian Tribe

Program Goals

The goals of the Tribal Home Visiting Program include:

  • Supporting the development of happy, healthy, and successful American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) Children and families through a coordinated home visiting strategy that addresses critical maternal and child health, development, early learning, family support, and child abuse and neglect prevention needs.
  • Implementing high-quality, culturally-relevant, evidence-based home visiting programs in AI/AN communities.
  • Expanding the evidence base around home visiting intervnetions with Native populations.
  • Supporting and strengthening cooperation and coordination and promoting linkages among various early childhood programs, resulting in coordinated, comprehensive early childhood systems.


Home Visiting Video Announcement

Home Visiting Radio Announcement

Coordinated Services

Collaboration is important to our programs at Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan.  Within the Maternal & Early Childhood Services Department this can be seen specifically between our Tribal Home Visiting, Healthy Start, and State Funded Home Visiting Programs.  These have joined forces as individual pieces of an overall, inter-tribal network of home visiting programs and services coordinated by the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan in partnership with Michigan tribes.  The programs to the communities appear as one, and are often referred to by staff as the “Healthy Start-Family Spirit” home visiting program.  The development of the Healthy Start-Family Spirit Home Visiting program is one key aspect of our comprehensive, coordinated early childhood system with all programs using the Family Spirit Model as a basis for providing home visitation services.  In addition, the programs share client-friendly referral procedures, using common assessments, collection of common data elements, cross-training of staff, and cross-program case management.  This allows for a seamless transition between programs for home visiting clients.

Contact Information

Healthy Start

Maajtaag Mnobmaadzid, “The Start of a Healthy Life”

Healthy Start is a national infant mortality prevention initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Our project is one of about 100 federally-funded projects around the country, and includes 10 sites: Bay Mills Indian Community, Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, Hannahville Indian Community, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Little Traverse Bay Bands, Nottawaseppi Huron Band of Potawatomi, Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Saginaw Chippewa Tribe, Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians,and American Indian Health & Family Services of Southeast Michigan. Healthy Start focuses on access to and use of health services for women and their families, strengthening local health systems and increasing consumer input into these systems of local care. Each year, we provide personalized, supportive case management to between 600 and 700 people, and community outreach and education services to over 4,000 people in 14 counties in Michigan.

Core Strategies: Healthy Start features evidence-based practices and innovative, culturally informed community-driven interventions. Beginning with direct outreach by community health workers to pregnant and postpartum women, we ensure that mothers and infants have ongoing sources of primary and preventive health care and that their basic needs (housing, psychosocial, nutritional and educational support) are met. Following risk assessments and screening for perinatal depression, case managers provide linkages with appropriate services and education. Most services are delivered through home visiting. Mothers and infants are followed from entry into prenatal care through 2 years after delivery. The project has strong collaborative linkages with State programs including Title V MCH Block Grant, Medicaid, State Child Health Insurance Program, and with local agencies and services.

Success: Since the introduction of Healthy Start in 1997, we have seen a steady downward trend in American Indian infant mortality within the project area, with the disparity gap narrowing between White and American Indian infants. Other trends include a marked increase in first trimester prenatal care, lower prematurity rates, an increase in those securing a medical home, increased screening for pregnancy and postpartum health risks, and increased use of culturally competent elements in policies, guidelines and trainings.

Contact Information

Devin Smith | | Program Manager

Mental & Social Emotional Health

Depression Among American Indian and Alaska Native Women in Michigan

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