Health Ed - Highlighted Resources Archives - ITCMI

Kwe Brave

Kwe Brave resource page for Native American breast cancer survivors and caregivers. Kwe is the Ojibwe word for women and aims to honor our sisters that face cancer diagnosis. 

Follow us on social media to find shareable graphics, cancer screening reminders, and easy to read health information!

Advocating for Your Health and Breast Cancer Survivorship

illustration by @quietcreature and  @iischristy

Nutrition, Food Access, and Cancer Survivorship with Kwe Brave, Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan, and the American Indian Cancer Foundation

Social and Emotional Support

How to tell someone you have cancer 

Talking to your kids about cancer– webpage with helpful advice for telling your kids about a cancer diagnosis and what to expect from the conversation

Peer Support- You are not alone in being a breast cancer survivor. The Young Survival Coalition has great blogs on mental health and breast cancer 

Managing Breast Cancer as a Single Mom- Blog Post

Tips for Coping with COVID-19 for Cancer Survivors and Caregivers– GW Cancer Center

Mental Health and Cancer Support

Free Resources for mental health during COVID-19 Pandemic – list of free tools that support mental health (apps, podcasts, meditations, etc.)

Breast Cancer and Mental Health Toolkit– tips from breast cancer nurses, support groups, and help with anxiety

Suicide prevention resources 

Stress Management and COVID-19 from Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health

Chemo brain facts and support: American Indian Cancer Foundation

Family Resources

How Children Understand Cancer 

Common cancer terminology for caregivers and survivors- a starting place to learn about cancer and treatment

Caring for the caregiver– Native Women’s Wellness

Caregiver Tips: Fact sheet from

HIPAA: Sharing your health information with friends and family


Help with Nausea

Understanding You Diagnosis

Life after Treatment for Native Americans

Fertility and Family Planning

Metastatic Breast Cancer Navigator -Young Survival Coalition

Sex and Intimacy after a Cancer Diagnosis

Pain Management – integrative medicine:

Breast Cancer in Native American women

Native American women tend to experience more severe forms of breast cancer and are often diagnosed in later stages than other racial/ethnic groups. Women who feel supported and comfortable seeking care have better outcomes for breast cancer. The Kwe Brave campaign aims to provide breast cancer risk education and resources for young Native American women.

Young Breast Cancer is defined by anyone who has been told they have breast cancer under the age of 45.

See our info page for Native  YBCS linked above.

Tribal Health Centers

Health Ed – Highlighted Resources

Health Risk Behaviors Among Native Americans in Michigan

This report presents estimates from both the 2017 Native American BRFS (NaBRFS) and the State of Michigan 2017 BRFSS (MiBRFS). When possible, comparison charts will be included to highlight health disparities.

The NaBRFS is one of the only sources of state-specific, population-based estimates of the prevalence of various health behaviors, medical conditions, and preventive health care practices among Native American Michigan adults. The survey findings can be used by Tribal agencies, public health agencies, academic institutions, nonprofit organizations, and others to develop programs that promote the health of Native American Michigan citizens.

The results from the 2017 NaBRFS presented within this report have been weighted as described in the methods section and can be interpreted as prevalence estimates among the Michigan Native American adult population.

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Commercial & Traditional Tabacco

American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program (AICTP)

The American Indian Commercial Tobacco Program (AICTP) is LIVE and ready to use!

Call today to receive free, culturally-tailored help, including:

  • Up to 10 coaching calls per quit attempt with a dedicated Native coach.
  • 8 weeks of nicotine replacement therapy with combination medication as an option.
  • Focus on commercial tobacco use.
  • Open to men, women, and elders of all ages and tribal nations.
  • AICTP Website:
  • Download PDF Poster

For our future generations, call today! 


Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Saturday: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Sunday: 10:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can I call if I am pregnant?
A. Yes

Q. Can youth under 18 call the quitline?
A. Yes

Q. Can I call for help with smokeless tobacco?  
A. Yes

Learn more about commercial and traditional tobacco HERE

Tobacco Screening Policy

Commercial tobacco use is a well known problem among Native American communities in Michigan. To help address this issue the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan has worked to help address this problem in a number of ways including addressing tribal clinical policies.

Please see the following resources to learn more about efforts of work done at the clinical policy level in tribal sites in Michigan. These resources cover policy, signage, youth screening, using the CHANGE tool and communication campaigns.

Tobacco Screening Policy Resources

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National Native Network

We are a national network of Tribes, tribal organizations and health programs working to decrease commercial tobacco use and cancer health disparities among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/AN) across the U.S. We offer technical assistance, culturally relevant resources, and a place to share up-to-date information and lessons learned, as part of a community of tribal and tribal-serving public health programs.

We strive to decrease cancer-related health disparities among AI/AN communities and promote the roles of traditional tobacco and other traditional medicines and ways of living, improving public health while protecting tribal sovereignty and resiliency.

The strength of our Network lays in partnerships between Tribes and tribal, national, state, and local organizations across Indian Country. The Network is intimately connected to the communities we serve and brings a wealth of knowledge of culturally based approaches for commercial tobacco and cancer prevention and control.

The National Native Network is jointly funded by the Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) and Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC) under Cooperative Agreement # 1U58DP004979-01. The Network is administered by the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan and directed by a board composed of four partner tribal organizations:

Visit our website for full information, resources, and social media links. Email us at for any questions.

Additional Resources and Information

Anishinaabek Cooking Resources

Additional Resource

Healthy Cooking Anishinaabek Way Cookbook

Included below is a collaborative collection of recipes, cooking videos, and other healthy nutrition materials titled Anishinaabek Cooking Resources (ACR). The ACR cooking video and recipe content was created by the Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan and participating tribes through support from its Michigan Tribal Food Access Coalition and Walmart Healthy Native Foods Projects. 

The Anishinaabek Cooking Resources are packaged into a series of 12 monthly PDF sets which include links to cooking demonstration videos, recipes, and nutrition education resources.  Each recipe demonstration promotes the use of healthy ingredients which are traditional to Michigan Native Americans, many of which are available at local grocery stores, farmer’s markets, or through Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservation (FDPIR) programs.

The educational resources which accompany each video link include handouts on Anishinaabek culture through the 13 Moons Anishinaabe Nutrition project and nutrition information and cooking tips provided by the 2020 Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

We hope that everyone will enjoy our ACR Cookbook and the delicious health-giving recipes within.

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COVID-19 Resources

What We're Doing To Keep Everyone Safe


This web portal is designed as a COVID-19 response to benefit the entire geographical area of Michigan both tribal and non-tribal through enhanced resource and information sharing, as well as joint communication and collaboration. The purpose of this COVID-19 portal is to provide resources, training, and technical assistance to support the 12 federally recognized tribes in conducting health activities in response to COVID-19.  

Community Resources

Healthcare Worker Resources

COVID-19 Data & Tracking

Provider Resources & Scientific Literature

From the White House

From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)


From the Indian Health Service (IHS)

From Other Federal Agencies

From All Other Agencies

Testing Guidelines

Emergency Preparedness


Telehealth Resources

Workplace & Facility Guidelines

Communication & Media Resources

CDC | Public Service Announcements (PSAs)

Find COVID-19 public service announcements (PSAs) in multiple languages about what to do if you are sick, how to wear a mask, and other important topics.

CDC | Public Service Announcements (PSAs)

Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health


American Indian Institute

UIHI | The 3 W’s Postcard

MDHHS – Nov. 2020 | Pause to Save Lives Infographic

MDHHS – Nov. 2020 | Social Gathering

CDC cloth face covering building entrance

CDC cloth face covering

Face covering information

COVID-19 fact Sheet

Quarantine vs isolation

Cloth face covering poster

Social Distancing cloth face covering

COVID-19 symptoms poster 11×17

UIHI | COVID-19 Fact Sheets for Tribes and Urban Indian Communities

MDHHS – Nov. 2020 | Safe Social Pods Infographic

COVID-19 Symptoms

COVID-19 What you can do if you are high risk

Important information about cloth face coverings

Living in close quarters with large or extended families


Center for American Indian Health | Weaving a Basket for Community Safety Against COVID-19

Sick with COVID-19 Fact Sheet

Stop the spread of germs poster 11×17

Stop the spread of germs